Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Wizardly World of Arts and Crafts


When you have Monkeys bored out of their minds from too much summer fun, this Wizard likes to whip out summer craft projects. The girl Monkey really enjoys it while it only moderately entertains the others. The Wizard will take what she can get. This particular project was so much fun that we decided to make them for special family gifts this year. They are really simple and easy to do. The supplies you will need:
I purchased a really cheap inexpensive frame from our local Walmart Store for only 3 bucks. This one is  8x10 and you of course could go bigger or smaller if you chose. Next you need several sheets of alphabet stickers and an assortment of scrapbooking papers.

Select your scrapbooking paper and fit it to your frame, removing any border or inserts that came with frame. I selected some puffy white stickers to add a little dimension and began in the center of the frame with the family's last name. Our first one is for my sister's birthday which is coming up in August...(Hey what's up Sista). She has a really fun blog at so check it out! From there we did the rest of the family's first names and to save space I decided to opt for Mom and Dad instead of spelling out the parents' names. Once those are in place, I chose a different color and style of sticker to blend more into the background and spelled family friendly words to fill in the empty spaces. You can purchase a metal stand from Walmart as well but it really isn't necessary because most frames have a built in stand on the back or you can even hang this on your wall.

The finished product for the Harringtons!!
I also did one for our family and decided not to use any scrapbooking paper for the background and instead just used the cardboard that came with the frame.
And here is a fun little fact to throw in for all my millions of blog readers...I just realized that our Dog OTTO is    oddly enough TOTO! He made it onto the frame even though he is in trouble for chewing up another pair of shoes. I digress.

So the kids were excited to make one for their grandma. The center says Grandma (surprise) and then around that are her seven grandkids' names. She will love it.

Also, you don't have to just  personalized them. Here is another fun idea....make one for the holidays with holiday specific wording. Stay tuned for more ideas on these wizardly frames!!!

The Wizard's Magical Use For Tomatoes #1

Don't you just love it when your summer garden is overflowing with big beautiful ripe tomatoes? Of course, if you are like this Wizard, it is both a blessing and curse. I hate wasting anything that grows out of my garden and there are only so many bags of tomatoes you can hand off to your family and friends. This also requires creativity on serving these items to your family. Sure, there are tomatoes in our omelets, on our sandwiches and burgers, in  our sauces etc. The Monkeys are less than thrilled now to pick a red juicy tomato which once brought them shrieks of joy as they watched them grow. Well one way I kind of got them excited to eat a tomato again was making a Tomato and Mozzarella Salad. To jazz things up a bit I threw in basil (if you have kids I hope you can relate that most things green come with great resentment on the part of the child so the basil was left of their salad). To make it even better I added my Wizardly Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing to it and shazam...everyone was eating tomatoes again without complaining! It was magical...but that is what I do since I am a Wizard after all.

This is really so easy and simple to make but the addition of cheese with the tomatoes seemed to do the trick to get the Monkeys interested in eating tomatoes again.

1-2 large beefsteak tomatoes (really any type of tomato would do)
Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
Fresh Basil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Wizardly Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing (recipe below)

Slice the tomatoes and cheese. Tear the fresh basil off of the stems and layer all three on a serving plate. Season with salt and fresh ground pepper. Next drizzle Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing over the top and you instantly have yourself a delicious salad to go with any meal!


1 cup Olive Oil (I use Extra-Virgin)
1 cup Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Bragg Organic)
2 Tbsp Honey
1/2 tsp Dried Parsley
2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp Water
Pinch of Pepper
1/2 tsp of salt (I use sea salt)

Once again I turn to my canning jars for my dressings. To make this potion I throw it all in the jar, replace the lid and shake shake shake. That's it. Very simple. Now I know you should probably take the time to emulsify the dressing to reduce separation between oil and vinegar, however this Wizard is usually chasing an almost one year old around the house so where I can take short cuts, I do! It keeps in the fridge beautifully and each time we go to use it, I simply shake.

Friday, July 29, 2011


This particular potion really does contain magical ingredients, although I have to admit most do not come from the Wizard but from their own special components. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is suppose to have a slew of benefits for you and has been used for centuries and believed to have cured all sorts of aliments. Olive Oil, another ingredient in this dressing is believed to be "heart healthy" and in its natural, uncooked form in this recipe. This is not a favorite of the Monkeys. They tolerate it..will eat it on salads but it is certainly not requested as Ranch Dressing is. However, the adults of the house really enjoy this and it is very versatile. Try it, I think you will really enjoy an all natural, good for you dressing!!!

1 cup Olive Oil (I use Extra-Virgin)
1 cup Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Bragg Organic)
2 Tbsp Honey
1/2 tsp Dried Parsley
2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp Water
Pinch of Pepper
1/2 tsp of salt (I use sea salt)

Once again I turn to my canning jars for my dressings. To make this potion I throw it all in the jar, replace the lid and shake shake shake. That's it. Very simple. Now I know you should probably take the time to emulsify the dressing to reduce separation between oil and vinegar, however this Wizard is usually chasing an almost one year old around the house so where I can take short cuts, I do! It keeps in the fridge beautifully and each time we go to use it, I simply shake.
 This is the Apple Cider Vinegar that I love to use! Bragg has a really neat website and you can checkout their products at

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Being a Wizard is a full time job. Part of the job responsibilities of this particular Wizard is feeding the Winged Monkeys three times a day, including snacks and beverages. I have already introduced you to the King of the Winged Monkeys and he is very particular about what he eats. Due to his leadership role, if he boycotts a particular food it typically leaves a negative impression on the other Monkeys and before you know it, none of them are eating the prepared food item before them. One way the Wizard has learned how to magically make some, not all, but some of the foods more appealing to the King, is by making one of my Magic Potions also known as Ranch Dressing. This magical potion has such strong properties that it will make even the pickiest Monkey eat vegetables and meats that otherwise would have been tossed aside. I am sharing with you the recipe here, that is in my opinion, so much healthier for you than store bought Ranch Dressings. You control the fat content and no preservatives and no yucky msg. I like to make it in a large canning jar and just shake it all together and the best part is that it is good for up to two weeks in the refrigerator...oh and don't forget that the money you save from making it yourself leaves extra spending money for the Wizard to purchase other necessities, like eye of newt and toe of get the idea.

makes about 3/4 cup and only a few minutes of prep time. Use organic ingredients when you can.

1/3 cup mayo (I use nonfat)
1/4 cup low-fat sour cream
1/3 cup milk (again you control the fat so either nonfat, lowfat etc)
1 tablespoon of white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon canola oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dill

I would let it sit in fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving. As stated it is good for up to two weeks. Another little tip from this Wizard is don't just grab your spices/dried herbs needed for this recipe from the baking isle. Many of those shelved there are very expensive. Instead check out the bulk isle. My grocery store has some by the frozen food isle. I purchase It's Delish brand for my potions and you can get a large 1oz container for a fraction of the cost. It may sound silly but I feel good about making my own dressings for the Monkeys and any way I can limit their exposure to chemicals/preservatives I will.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Winged Monkeys

That's right, I think I am a Wizard. Not just any Wizard. The Great Wizard. Perhaps you are doubting my wizardly skills. That's okay. I know what I am, for only a Wizard with wizardly skills as mine, could make magic happen day after day with no nanny, no housekeeper, no accountant, no chef, no personal assistant etc. I battle the dangerous cyclone produced by the Winged Monkeys daily and on most days find myself, although tired, victorious. This summer we began reading the classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L.Frank Baum and if you and your kids haven't read it, we recommend it. As we read chapter by chapter, page by page, I realized how much I really had in common with the Great Wizard and my children unfortunately (for me that is) with the Winged Monkeys. You see, the Winged Monkeys are 'full of mischief... they are careless and happy and full of fun'. The King of The Winged Monkeys, is not the oldest in years of the three, but by far the most defiant and rambunctious. His name is Colby and is nearly five. He is their leader. The other two Monkeys are Gracie who is six and Ethan who is nearing his first birthday. It is an indisputable fact, my husband and I are out numbered. Trying to control the chaos produced by the Winged Monkeys does prove to be challenging and that is how my powerful sorcery and magic were born - out of necessity for survival. I will try to share with you the secrets of my magic, the potions I create and the spells that I cast in hopes that it might help you find your way 'From the Land of Oz' to home again.