Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wizardly Fantastic Oatmeal Cookies (Or, Did I Just Gain a Few Pounds?)

As a kid I always had the BEST summers. My Dad, who would never take a sick day in his life would finally take a two week vacation usually in July which would coincide with his birthday. We didn't really ever go on lavish vacations or traveled to far away places but we would always do fun things that would create lasting memories, like spend entire days at the beach or traveling in a motor home for great camping adventures. There was the time we decided to drive to the Mammoth Mountains in our station wagon and I insisted on bringing all of my cabbage patch dolls (this dates me), which of course angered the passenger next to me (my sister) because it took up so much room. There was another time when my dad and I were playing frisbee on the beach (something I still lack talent for) and my toss landed the frisbee on the head of a rather mean sun bather. She came over to us and continued to rant about how much her head hurt. And then there was Mexico, when my mom thought someone had broken into the house we were renting and took my dad's wallet. We tore the house apart looking for it only to realize she had hidden the above mentioned wallet in his shoe. She was fearing burglars the moment we arrived and had forgotten she had the need to hide his wallet, let alone put it in his shoe. Silly that these are the things you remember so many years later but they were moments in time that stood out from the rest. We were happy and for two weeks carefree.

Part of my Dad's birthday celebration would require his girls (my mom, sister and me) making him his most cherished thing in the world.....Oatmeal Cookies. They are not healthy, sugar free or low fat...but they are made with love and nothing but delicious! Since we are in the midst of summer, I of course think of my dad and the great memories he gave us and his oatmeal cookies.  So in honor of him, the Monkeys and this Wizard made a batch to enjoy all to ourselves! (I will not be stepping on the scales for several days!) Enjoy and make these for someone you love!


2 cups old fashioned oatmeal
1 cup of shortening, melted after measured (the thought of this disgusts me but the cookies are so good I overlook it)
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup milk
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
1 cup raisins
(I am not sure why I did this, but I put nutmeg in the picture and it isn't an ingredient)

Melt shortening and pour over oatmeal in a large bowl. In another bowl, cream sugar, eggs, milk and vanilla together. Combine the oatmeal with the creamed sugar mixture and stir well. Add sifted dry ingredients slowly. (Truthfully, I skip this part. I don't sift for these cookies. I throw it in the bowl with oatmeal and shortening, stir and call it good) Once well combined, add nuts and raisins.

Drop by tablespoons on cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes. These are not super soft cookies - little more on the dense side but they are really good and your house will smell divine from the cloves baking in the oven. Makes about 3 dozen cookies.

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