Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does This Blog Make Me Look Fat?

Seriously does it? The past several months I have been trying really hard to exercise and eat right. I was on a really good path. And then the BLOG happened.

I decided it would be fun to share fun recipes that I have tried out over the years and in doing so, I not only revisited these recipes by writing about them, but also sampled them. I mean, I can't just post the recipe itself, I have to take pictures and in order to do that, you have to make the item and then you have to sample the item to make sure you have the recipe just right....need I go on? So that pretty much has been my main problem but then there is also the problem with time. It is still summer break for us so I have three little crazed darlings running amuk. The baby of the bunch is now 11 months and is into EVERYTHING. The spare time (if that is even the word for it) I once had is now devoted to writing the blog or cooking some of the recipes up in the kitchen. Gone is my window of opportunity for walking around the neighborhood listening to my iPod.

But now, excuses be gone! I have rediscovered my Walk at Home video by Leslie Sansone. Now the summer heat isn't an excuse and neither is time because I can pop the dvd in when the baby is napping or when the Monkeys are fast asleep. Fitness here I come again! 


  1. I have a Leslie Sansone video too. Well, a couple of them. I need to start doing them again.

  2. I am so bad at exercising! It doesn't help that I HATE it. I need to get people to do something WITH me. If I have a friend counting on me to go walk at a certain time, I am way more likely to do it. I'll do almost anything to be social. Even exercise. ACK!

  3. I think you look skinny and cute!
